
Healing Arts


Reiki Therapy

60 mins / $120
90 mins / $180

Reiki, a gentle and non-invasive energy healing practice, offers a myriad of benefits for individuals seeking balance and overall well-being. By promoting relaxation and stress reduction, reiki sessions can help alleviate tension, anxiety, and improve sleep quality. The practice is also used to facilitate physical healing by supporting the body's natural ability to heal itself and boosting energy levels. Furthermore, many individuals report an enhanced sense of clarity, emotional stability, and a deeper connection with themselves after receiving Reiki treatments. Whether used for relaxation, pain management, or spiritual growth, the holistic benefits of reiki can be a valuable addition to one's self-care routine.


Sound Therapy w/ Tuning Forks

60 minute / $120

Sound healing with tuning forks is a practice rooted in the belief that specific vibrations can bring balance and harmony to the body and mind. By using tuning forks, we tap into the body's natural frequencies to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. Through the gentle application of these precise tones on or around the body, the subtle vibrations clear energy blockages and stimulate the body's natural healing process. Sound healing with tuning forks offers a non-invasive and soothing approach to support holistic health and inner peace.


Sound Therapy w/ Tuning Forks + Grounding Integration

90 mins

Combining Sound Therapy with Grounding Integration promotes balance and harmony. Grounding Integration involves connecting with the earth's energy to establish stability. Utilizing tuning forks alongside grounding techniques not only deepens relaxation but also accelerates the healing process. The gentle vibrations emitted by the tuning forks aid in releasing tension, mitigating stress, and augmenting overall well-being. Immerse yourself in this synergistic approach for comprehensive nurturing of the body, mind, and spirit.



Spiritual Consultation

60 minute / $90
90 minute / $135

Obtain guidance and clarity through a spiritual consultation. As an experienced psychic channel, Virginia offers a neutral and insightful perspective to help you navigate life's questions and challenges. Whether you seek solace, direction, or simply a listening ear, our spiritual consultation services provide a safe space for reflection and growth. Embrace the opportunity to delve deep into your inner self and discover the wisdom that awaits.


Personal Tarot Reading

30 minute / $45
60 minute / $90

Unlock the secrets that the universe holds for you with a personal Tarot reading. Let the ancient wisdom of the cards guide you as you navigate life's twists and turns, providing insight and clarity into your past, present, and future. Each reading is a unique and personal experience, tailored to address your questions and concerns. Whether you seek answers about love, career, or personal growth, a tarot reading can offer you a fresh perspective and a deeper understanding of your journey. Embrace the opportunity to connect with your inner self and explore the possibilities that lie ahead.


Tarot for Romantic Partners

60 minute / $120
90 minute / $180

Dive into the mysteries of your romantic relationship with a personalized tarot reading for you and your partner. Explore the depths of your connection, uncover hidden truths, and gain insights into your shared journey ahead. With the guidance of the cards, navigate challenges, celebrate victories, and nurture the love that binds you together. Let the ancient wisdom of the tarot illuminate the path to deeper understanding and enhanced harmony in your shared love story.


Tarot for Business Partners

60 minute / $120
90 minute / $180

In the realm of business partnerships, navigating through challenges and exploring opportunities requires insight and intuition. Tarot offers a unique perspective to business partners seeking clarity and guidance.

By exploring the ancient art of Tarot, business partners can gain valuable insights into their joint ventures, address communication breakdowns, and uncover hidden aspects of their professional relationship. The symbolism of each tarot card serves as a mirror, reflecting the dynamics at play and shedding light on potential paths forward.

Through Tarot consultations, business partners can foster understanding, enhance decision-making, and unearth innovative solutions to propel their ventures to new heights. Embracing the wisdom of Tarot can spark fresh ideas, strengthen bonds, and pave the way for mutual success in the ever-evolving landscape of business partnerships.